
How to Apply

Online Application

Apply Online

How to Apply

我们网站的招生区域旨在使申请过程尽可能简单,使用我们的在线申请. 我们要求家庭在网上申请,因为它简化了提交,并为家长提供了一个工具,可以在提交申请后在线跟踪他们的入学状态. cq9棋牌鼓励家庭尽快开始申请程序. 网上申请必须连同k4至12年级150元的不退还申请费一并递交.  In addition, 在申请被考虑之前,必须收到所需的补充表格.

  1. Fill out application
  2. Submit docs
  3. 筛选
  4. 面试
  5. 招生 Committee
  6. 招生
Apply Online

Creating an Online Application

To begin the online application process, click the “Apply Online” link above. Then log into your account and create a new student application for your child. 然后,您可以灵活地登录和退出您的帐户并访问您打开的应用程序. After submitting the application, 你可以通过登录你的账户来跟踪你在学校的录取状态. There you will be able to print the completed applications, monitor when the school receives supplemental application forms, and if necessary reprint the supplemental forms.  If you have any questions, please call the 招生 Office at (863) 688-2771 and we will assist you.

Request 更多的 Information

请问您是否需要比我们的在线资料提供更多的信息 Request 更多的 Information, and our 招生 Office will contact you.


Wait Pool Policy

For any grade level in which capacity has been met, 已完成录取程序并被录取的学生将被放置在等待池中,直到有空间可用.  If the grade level remains full through the first semester, 您可以通过联系招生办公室选择将您的申请转移到下一学年, at which time the application fee will be applied accordingly.  

Trial Period

A trial period of nine weeks is required for all new students. 对许多学生来说,工作量、纪律和环境都需要进行相当大的调整. Should a change be necessary at the end of this period, a conference with the parent will be arranged.

Financial Commitment

Christian education involves financial sacrifice for many families. The school works hard to plan effectively and control tuition costs. 为了保持经济稳定,家庭履行对学校的义务是至关重要的. 请注意,如果学生在一个学期内退学,则应支付整个学期的学费.

Nondiscriminatory Policy

Lakeland Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, 在录取政策或项目管理中考虑种族出身或性别.

General Application Process/List

We appreciate your interest in applying to Lakeland Christian School. If you have questions at any time during the application process, please contact the admissions office at (863) 688-2771. All applications must be submitted online. 当学校收到以下项目时,您孩子的申请就被认为是完整的,可以处理了:

  • Copy of certified birth certificate
  • Immunization records on Florida Department of Health form DH-680
  • Current physical examination on Florida Department of Health form DH-3040
  • Two consecutive grade level report cards; current year and previous final year (for students entering grades 2-12)
  • Most recent standardized test results (for students entering grades 4-12)
  • Complete transcript (for students entering grades 11 and 12)
  • Church and General Ed. 教师推荐表格是在线申请过程中生成的.


All K4 through fifth-grade students will be tested for placement.  考试不收取额外费用(特殊教育入学考试除外), if required).


After you have submitted the above items, 学校的注册主任会与您联系,安排与校长的家长面谈.  In grades 6-12, a student interview is also required.  你将被要求分享你的个人信仰和你目前在教会的参与程度.  The principal will briefly explain the purpose of Christian education, provide an overview of our program, 给你们时间问关于学校的任何问题.  If desired, parents may schedule a meeting with the Business Office.  All students with the McKay Scholarship must meet with the Business Office.

招生 Committee:

完成以上所有内容后,招生委员会将对您的申请进行审查.  如果您的孩子符合入学要求,但该年级目前没有可用的空间, 您将有机会在等待池中保持应用程序的活动状态.



在您的孩子正式入学之前,需要支付注册费. At least one parent must attend an orientation meeting with the Head of School. You will be notified of upcoming dates and times for this required meeting.

Admission Standards

我们的录取标准反映了我们在学生的基督教教育中与家庭和当地教会合作的承诺. 我们要求我们的学生和他们的家庭符合以下录取标准:

Shared Goals

LCS是最有效的工作与家庭谁分享精神和学术目标与学校的使命兼容. 优先录取那些通过忠诚地参与当地教会和在家中关注圣经来证明他们的属灵承诺的家庭. 家庭通过持续的出勤记录和支持教师努力促进学习在学生生活中的优先地位来证明对学校学术目标的承诺.

Cooperative Spirit

每个家庭和每个被LCS录取的学生都应该表现出合作精神. 家长和学生应该阅读家庭手册(可在网站上找到),了解学校的标准和期望. Every school has policies and procedures related to dress, 出席, communication, punctuality, 行为, 举止, and academics. 在这些领域的合作和伙伴精神对于有效的教育经验是必不可少的. Negative attitudes about the Christian faith or the school prevent admission. 六年级到十二年级的学生完成学生申请和面试,这为他们提供了一个机会,询问他们可能关心的学校生活的任何方面的问题.

Academic Record

申请人的学习成绩必须表明学生已经为LCS的教学计划做好了充分的准备. If a student has been receiving special support services (504 Plan, 等电位点, other therapies), paperwork describing those services should be provided by the parent.  Students are expected to take their academic responsibilities seriously. 表现出持续缺乏努力或不合作精神的申请人将不被录取.

Disciplinary Record

LCS does not admit students who have a history of disciplinary problems. Students who have been expelled from other schools will not be admitted.

K4, K5 and First Grade

Students must meet the age and maturity standards of the school. 所有必需的免疫接种和体检文件必须在最终入院前存档. An admission screening is scheduled for all incoming elementary students. 四岁的孩子可以开始我们的K4课程. Students must be five years old by September 1 to enter K5, and six years old by September 1 to enter first grade.